Non peer-reviewed articles

A selection of articles that could not be published in Adoranten, but are worth to read. The articles are not peer-reviewed. We refrain from the theories and interpretations mentioned in the articles.

Ramón Montes Barquín PhD, and Francis Joy PhD : Rock Art on the Water. A seminar report
Technicians and political administrators from Finland, Portugal, France and Spain exchange experiences in the sustainable management and tourist use of European Prehistoric Art.

Francis Joy PhD : Children’s Rock Art. A Scandinavian Study
In what ways do different sources of ancient rock art utilized by educators as educational resources, make a positive contribution towards children’s education and development when adapted as a resource for identity building?.

Veronica Wikman: The Water Symbolism That is Filling Up the Cupules and Flowing Through the Cup and Ring Marks

Jens Hilbig: Ship propulsion with water waves instead of sails in the Neolithic and Bronze Age. A technological interpretation of ship representations in the Scandinavian Rock art.
Jaume Hernandez Montfort: Sailing the sun up through the rocks. An iconographic analysis of the ship motif in the Bronze Age rock-art of Southern Scandinavia.
Dissertation submitted for BA (Hons) degree in Archaeology. January 2020

Appendix with the panels mentioned in the dissertation

Sandra Claggett: Can audio visual characteristics of a rock art site affect how past societies experienced and understood rock art?.
Dissertation submitted for BA Masters degree on Rock Art which received was awarded.

Appendix with the first set of images mentioned in the dissertation

Appendix with the second set of images mentioned in the dissertation


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